Articles to Inspire

Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Self-Pleasure for Health and Beauty

That healthy, radiant glow! It’s a sign of youth and beauty. We want it and we’re willing to spend fortunes on skin creams and makeup to get it.

With experience in the fields of health, wellness and beauty, I have the secret to this authentic radiance. It doesn’t cost a thing. And it’s fun! It’s called self-pleasuring.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Success through Affirmative Prayer

When I worked for a large company as a production manager, I often faced stressful situations. At times, the workload, production problems and personnel issues were overwhelming. Every day I faced challenges that were seemingly way over my head. But as a Positive Energy Woman, I knew I had the tools to power through and overcome or succeed with every situation. One of my most empowering tools was, and still is, starting the day with Affirmative Prayer. This one practice helped me face everyday with confidence, optimism, love and inner-peace.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Capturing your spirit through Self-Portrait

One of the most powerful tools of self-appreciation is the photographic self-portrait. As a process, the self-portait offers an opportunity to explore the many aspects of your unique being, including the familiar and the unknown, to be expressed for your photo.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Empowered Problem Solving

Few of us are taught how to deal with a problem, rendering many of us helpless and hopeless, fearful, and avoidant of the issue. Positive Energy Women learn to face an issue squarely in the face, swiftly and creatively. In a few steps, problems are solved with greater ease and in less time, making life easier and worry free. If you are problem avoider, or are not sure how to fix an issue, the Positive Energy Woman Empowered Problem-Solving will help.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Girl’s Empowerment

When does feminine power begin?

I believe there’s a supremely important time when our guidance can accelerate a girl’s awareness of her mind, body, and divine gifts as the sources of her power.

At the onset of her first period.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

To-Do lists Support Human Doing

“The only way a dream comes true, is not when you dream, but when you do.”

— Meloney Hudson

I wrote the above motto decades ago and is one I live by.

Sure, some say, “we’re human beings, not human doings.” And I agree that it’s essential to take time to just “be.”

Yet doing is a vital aspect of our human nature. Even the most ardent “Be-ers” must “do” to survive.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Don’t Just Fight Patriarchy; Empower the Matriarch Within You

Many of us dream of a non-patriarchal world where gender and race equality, respect of the earth, and peace reign.

Even centuries of striving for equality and proving women’s worth hasn’t loosened the patriarchy’s grip to outmoded ideologies that keep them in charge and unevolved.

Perhaps focusing on matriarchal ideologies will help to make the shift swifter.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Titillating Tidbits to Enhance Your Clit Literacy

Most women are in the dark about one of their most pleasure-producing possessions - their clitoris.

And no wonder – this crowning glory of the female genitalia didn’t appear in anatomy books until the 1990s. Australian urologist Helen O’Connell noticed this glaring omission and followed her calling to learn as much about the clitoris as she could and share her discoveries with the world.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Befriending the Dark Goddess within You

The Dark Goddess is an aspect of the divine feminine who is fearless, wise, bold, and strong. She fights for what’s right, takes down evil, and protects the ones she loves.

Her “dark” reference isn’t due to her skin color, but because she represents the deep, mysterious shadowy side of the Divine (and thus of ourselves), the dangerous part that we want to hide in the dark, avoid and discourage.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Feminine Power and Women’s Rights

Feminine power is more important than ever.

Positive Energy Woman doesn’t often tread into politics. But because of the erosion, and possible overturning of women’s reproductive rights, we’re stepping in. The strength, passion, and voices of women are needed to gain more equality, maintain the freedoms we’ve achieved, and bring balance to the patriarchal energy that dominates our government (and the world).

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Unblock Your Energy and Invite Creative Flow

I’m lucky. I rarely experience creative blocks, and in fact, I’m often inspired with such an overflow of ideas that I can’t create them all.

It pains me to see others struggle with creative blocks. They seem crippled and demoralized by their lack of inspiration or ideas. Sometimes I see the uninspired writer or artist give up on their ideas altogether.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Inner Peace equals Drama Free

I’ve created a life that is peaceful and overflowing with curiosity-satisfying adventures and enriching relationships. I love my life!

What my life doesn’t include is angst-creating, turmoil-provoking people or events. But even if I’m subjected to these types of influences, I’m able to remain centered and maintain an existence of calm laced with joy.

I admit I haven’t always been this way.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

A Face to Love

As a young girl, Justine Bateman appreciated the natural beauty of older women and was enamored by older actresses of European cinema, including Charlotte Rampling and Jeanne Moreau. She thought their dark circles, crow’s feet, and wrinkles made them look exotic and complex. She admired their poise and confident attitudes. So, when wrinkles appeared on Justine’s cheeks when she smiled, she was ecstatic. Now she would look exotic, complex, and more attractive.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

You, as Goddess Past, Present and Future

I love our ancient goddesses and am passionate to learn about the many feminine deities around the globe.  I decided to search for a Goddess of the Past, Present and Future, and suprisingly I couldn’t find one. I did find Antevorta, Roman Goddess of the Future and her sister Postvorta, Goddess of the Past. (So obscure are these goddesses, no images of them can be found.) But no single Goddess of the Past, Present and Future seemed to exist.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

30 Remarkable Benefits of Sex

Following is a marvelous article titled 30 Remarkable Benefits of Sex, written by my guest contributor, Megan Harrison, a sex therapist and creator of The article provides valuable information that will inspire you to turn off Netflix and head to the bedroom with your honey.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Loving Your Feminine and Masculine Womanliness

I recently spoke with a good friend who said she was feeling very unfeminine and it was causing her great concern. She's attractive, has a beautiful, strong body, a good style of dress, and a powerful personality. She said her new roommate is petite and soft-spoken, and wears skirts and flowey blouses. Comparing herself to her roommate, my friend felt ungainly and clunky. She perceived her diminutive roommate as the perfect example of feminine. I asked my friend, “do you feel masculine?” “Not really,” she replied. “Just not feminine.”

Hmmmm. What is this concept of feminine?

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Female Sexual Energy is not all about Sex

Sexual energy is the ingredient that makes a woman a woman. Sexual energy is the most fundamental essence of the human female. It is her “juice,” her “fire.” It is a source of feminine beauty, and the regulator of her female functions. It is a delicious energy that influences the feminine qualities in a woman. The Positive Energy Woman embraces her feminine qualities and unabashedly exudes feminine energy.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Be Conscious Now and Evolve

As the world renews and transforms through this important time, and I believe we’re being birthed into a new Golden Age. Humans, the most adaptable creatures on the planet, are adjusting to new modes of making a living, being with (or without) family, shopping and socializing. It’s time of planetary readjustment and an invitation for each of us to evolve into this new life.

There are several avenues we can take to “evolve”, and each one includes a single element: consciousness. Consciousness is keen awareness of what is happening within you and around you at every moment, right “now”, without judgement or expectation.

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Meloney Hudson Meloney Hudson

Bringing Your Ideas to Pre-dawn Light

Do you have an idea, project or goal that you feel called to create, but you just can’t seem to find the time to bring it to light? You aren’t the only one. Millions of people feel that their creative genius is hampered because of their jobs, families and other obligations.

I have a secret that can help you attend to your soul’s calling and bring your passion projects to fulfillment.

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